Sunday, August 2, 2009

2 month hiatus

OK, I have not posted in 2 months. The type of work I do has increased as a result of many businesses having to reduce their staffs. So I have been working a bit of overtime. Also I have been investing time in upgrading my kitchen. But there has been some minor progress in building my skills in Python. I did write a enough of a program to automate OWFS to log temperature data. This is the graph of my first run. Can you spot the odd trend ?

Now while I live in a place where it does get over a 100 degrees in the Summer, over 120 degrees seems extreme. So I did some troubleshooting and I figured out the issue. The sensor for the outside was close to the garage door. The sensor was factoring in the heat reflected from the garage door. I did expect a spike in temperature in the afternoon as the sun directly shines on the door at that time. To prevent this extreme spike from future readings I moved the sensor a few feet over to the side of the door. I ran the program for a day and the logs no longer showed the extreme spike. So the next time I run the program I should have a better set of logs to analyze.

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